Nefertiti Lift Procedure in Abu Dhabi

Elyzee Hospital is one of the best medical centers in Abu Dhabi specializing in Nefertiti Lift Procedure.

Nefertiti Lift Procedure in Abu Dhabi at Elyzee Hospital

The Nefertiti Lift procedure has gained popularity as a surgical cosmetic treatment. It aims to redefine and elevate the jawline and neck drawing inspiration from the captivating beauty of Queen Nefertiti, from Egypt. This groundbreaking technique harnesses the power of muscle relaxants, such as Botox to gently unwind the muscles accountable for pulling down the jawline and neck. As a result it imparts a sculpted appearance to these areas. In this blog post we will delve into facets of the Nefertiti Lift procedure encompassing its advantages, candidates, the consultation process, the procedure itself recovery after the treatment ultimate outcomes and culminate, with an interactive Q&A section to address prevalent queries and apprehensions.

The Benefits of the Nefertiti Lift Procedure

The Nefertiti Lift procedure offers several benefits for individuals seeking to improve the appearance of their jawline and neck without the need for surgery. One of the primary advantages is its ability to create a more defined and youthful jawline. By targeting the muscles responsible for pulling down the jawline, the procedure helps to lift and tighten the area, resulting in a more sculpted and rejuvenated look.

Another significant benefit is the improvement of the neck area. The Nefertiti Lift can help reduce the appearance of sagging skin and horizontal neck bands by relaxing the muscles that contribute to these concerns. This can create a smoother and more toned neck contour, enhancing overall facial harmony and symmetry.

Furthermore, the Nefertiti Lift is a minimally invasive procedure that offers quick and natural-looking results. The treatment involves the precise administration of muscle relaxants, which temporarily weaken the targeted muscles, providing a subtle lift without compromising facial expressions. The procedure requires no incisions, anesthesia, or lengthy recovery period, making it a convenient option for individuals seeking facial rejuvenation.

The Best Candidate for the Nefertiti Lift Procedure

The best candidates for the Nefertiti Lift procedure are individuals who have concerns about a sagging jawline, loose neck skin, or horizontal neck bands. Ideal candidates may be experiencing the effects of aging, such as loss of skin elasticity, but still have good skin quality and muscle tone. It is important for candidates to have realistic expectations about the outcomes of the procedure and understand that individual results may vary.

Consultation with a Doctor and Preparation for the Procedure

Before getting the Nefertiti Lift procedure it’s important to make an appointment for a consultation with a surgeon or dermatologist. This consultation allows the specialist to assess your structure, skin condition and particular concerns to ascertain if you are a candidate, for the treatment.

During the consultation we provide a chance to have a conversation regarding the available treatment options and educate the individual on all aspects of the procedure. This includes explaining the procedures details, such as risks and expected outcomes. Our specialist will take the time to address any questions or concerns raised by the individual ensuring that they feel fully informed. Additionally they may inquire about the individuals history, current medications and past experiences, with procedures. By fostering this dialogue and sharing information we aim to provide an understanding and establish trust throughout the consultation process.

Before undergoing the Nefertiti Lift procedure the specialist may offer customized instructions to cater to the individual’s requirements. These guidelines might comprise recommendations, for abstaining from medications or supplements that could heighten the potential for bruising. Additionally, adopting a skincare routine to optimize skin health prior to the procedure may be advised. Adhering to these procedure guidelines can improve the likelihood of attaining optimal outcomes while reducing potential complications.

What's Happening During the Procedure

The Nefertiti Lift procedure involves the targeted administration of muscle relaxants, such as Botox, into specific muscles in the jawline and neck area. The precise placement of the injections is essential to achieve the desired lifting effect.

Throughout the process the expert will start by cleansing the area where the treatment will take place. They might also consider applying a numbing cream to ensure discomfort. Then a sequence of injections will be skillfully administered into the muscles that need attention. These muscle relaxants function, by intercepting nerve signals inducing muscle relaxation and preventing them from exerting pressure, on the jawline and neck. As an outcome this technique achieves a well defined appearance.

The process usually lasts 15 to 30 minutes depending on the size of the treatment area and the individual’s specific requirements. There is recovery time involved and individuals can typically get back to their regular routines right away.

After the Procedure and Recovery

Following the Nefertiti Lift procedure individuals might encounter a blush, swelling or minor discomfort, in the injection spots. Fortunately these effects are typically short lived. Tend to fade within a few hours or days. The specialist will offer instructions for the procedure period, which might involve refraining from engaging in demanding physical activities, exposing the treated area to extreme temperatures or applying excessive pressure through massages.

The Nefertiti Lift boasts a recovery time allowing individuals to swiftly resume their normal activities. To ensure recovery and achieve the desired outcomes it is vital to adhere to the post procedure guidelines provided by the specialist.

Final Result

The final results of the Nefertiti Lift become apparent gradually over the following days to weeks as the muscle relaxants take effect. Individuals can expect a more defined jawline and a smoother, more toned neck appearance. The lifted effect has the ability to enhance proportions, improving the overall harmony of your face and creating a wonderfully youthful and rejuvenated appearance.

It should be highlighted that the effects of the Nefertiti Lift are not permanent and typically endure for three to four months. To preserve the advantages of the procedure it is advisable to undergo maintenance treatments. Keeping appointments with the specialist will guarantee a tailored treatment regimen that effectively upholds the desired outcomes.


The Nefertiti Lift procedure offers a non-surgical solution for individuals seeking to improve the definition and appearance of their jawline and neck. By strategically injecting muscle relaxants, the procedure provides a lifting effect that enhances facial proportions and creates a more youthful look. With its convenience, minimal downtime, and natural-looking results, the Nefertiti Lift is a popular choice for those desiring facial rejuvenation without surgery.

Filler Dissolving in Abu Dhabi


The Nefertiti Lift is generally well-tolerated and not considered a painful procedure. The specialist may apply a topical anesthetic or use a very fine needle to minimize any discomfort during the injections. Most individuals experience only mild discomfort or a slight stinging sensation, which subsides quickly.

The Nefertiti Lift is generally well-tolerated and not considered a painful procedure. The specialist may apply a topical anesthetic or use a very fine needle to minimize any discomfort during the injections. Most individuals experience only mild discomfort or a slight stinging sensation, which subsides quickly.

The duration of the Nefertiti Lifts results generally ranges from three to four months. Nevertheless it’s important to note that each person may experience some variation in their outcomes due to factors, like their metabolism, lifestyle and the specific muscle relaxant employed. Maintenance treatments can be conveniently scheduled to uphold the lifting effect over time.

The Nefertiti Lift is considered a procedure, in the hands of a skilled specialist. However like any treatment there are risks and rare side effects involved. These may encompass occurrences such as bruising, swelling, redness or temporary weakness in the surrounding muscles. It is crucial to have a consultation, with a specialist to address any doubts or inquiries you may have regarding the procedure.

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