Myomectomy in Abu Dhabi

Elyzee Hospital is one of the best medical centers in Abu Dhabi specializing in Myomectomy.

Myomectomy in Abu Dhabi

Myomectomy is a type of surgery that aims to eliminate fibroids which are benign growths that can occur in the uterus. These growths can lead to symptoms such as menstrual bleeding, discomfort in the pelvic area and problems with fertility. Myomectomy presents an option for individuals who desire to keep their uterus intact while finding relief from these symptoms. In this comprehensive guide, we explore the world of Myomectomy, highlighting its benefits, identifying suitable candidates, detailing the consultation and preparation process, explaining what happens during the procedure, discussing post-operative recovery, outlining the final results, offering a conclusive perspective, and addressing frequently asked questions about this important gynecological intervention.

The benefits of this procedure

Myomectomy can bring significant benefits to women experiencing symptoms related to uterine fibroids. By removing these growths while preserving the uterus, the procedure can alleviate heavy menstrual bleeding, pelvic pain, and pressure symptoms. For women looking to conceive, Myomectomy can improve fertility by addressing fibroids that may interfere with pregnancy. It provides a solution for maintaining well being offering relief and the possibility of a healthier reproductive journey.

The best candidate for this procedure

Women who have been diagnosed with fibroids and are facing impacts on their daily lives may be considered as ideal candidates for a Myomectomy. These impacts could manifest as bleeding, pelvic pain pressure, on the bladder or rectum and fertility concerns. It is crucial to consult with a gynecologist or surgeon to evaluate circumstances, assess the size and location of the fibroids and explore the appropriate treatment options.

Consultation with a Doctor and Preparation for the Procedure

Before having a Myomectomy patients need to have a discussion with their healthcare provider. In this discussion the provider will assess the patients background, gynecological condition and overall well being. The preparation for the procedure may include talking about the method, possible risks involved and instructions to follow before surgery such as fasting and stopping medications.

What's Happening During the Procedure

There are ways to perform a myomectomy, which involves removing fibroids while keeping the uterus intact. The surgical approach can be surgery, laparoscopy or hysteroscopy. The choice of approach depends on factors, like the size, location and number of fibroids to each patient. Once the fibroids have been removed the surgical site is. The patient’s recovery is monitored as they wake up from anesthesia.

After the Procedure and Recovery

After undergoing a Myomectomy patients might feel some pain and discomfort, in the area where the surgery was performed. You can ease this discomfort by taking pain medication. The duration of your hospital stay and recovery time will vary depending on the method employed. It is recommended that patients gradually start engaging in activities again but should avoid lifting objects or participating in strenuous activities for a few weeks. It may take weeks to a month, for complete recovery so it’s important for patients to diligently follow the post operative care instructions.

Final Result

The ultimate outcome of a Myomectomy procedure is to alleviate the symptoms linked to fibroids and potentially improve fertility. Women can anticipate a decrease in bleeding, pelvic discomfort and pressure related symptoms. For individuals aiming to achieve pregnancy Myomectomy can increase the likelihood of a conception by removing fibroids that may have impeded fertility.


Myomectomy is a method that offers a solution for women who are facing the difficulties associated with uterine fibroids. It focuses on relieving symptoms and enhancing fertility by targeting the fibroids while preserving the uterus. Like any procedure it is crucial to have a consultation with a healthcare professional to determine the most suitable approach and consider any potential risks and advantages involved.


Yes there are options for managing fibroids, such as using medications undergoing uterine artery embolization or considering focused ultrasound surgery (FUS). The decision on which treatment to pursue depends on factors, like the size, position and seriousness of the fibroids as the patient’s personal preferences and objectives.

Indeed Myomectomy is a procedure that aims to preserve fertility and numerous women have been able to conceive and experience pregnancies undergoing the surgery. Nevertheless it’s important to note that the likelihood of achieving positive fertility outcomes can vary based on factors as well as the extent of fibroid removal.

As with any procedure there are risks involved in Myomectomy such as the possibility of infection, bleeding and injury, to nearby organs. These risks will be thoroughly discussed during the operative consultation and precautions will be taken to minimize them during the surgery.

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