Mommy Makeover in Abu Dhabi

Elyzee Hospital is one of the best medical centers in Abu Dhabi, specializing in mommy makeovers.

Mommy Makeover

Mommy Makeover: Miracle for Women in Abu Dhabi at Elyzee Hospital

For women looking to restore their physical self-confidence after having children, few options compare with The Mommy Makeover procedure’s comprehensiveness. By individualizing treatment plans based on unique needs, combination surgeries offer lasting outcomes so that patients feel empowered to aim towards pre-pregnancy shapes with enhanced breasts or tighter abs – among other areas affected by childbearing. With recovery streamlined thanks to its innovative techniques made easily accessible with no compromise on quality or safety standards – it’s clear why more than ever before people are turning towards this life-changing solution!

The Benefits of this Procedure

The Mommy Makeover offers several benefits to women who have experienced pregnancy and childbirth:

1. Restored breast volume and shape

Pregnancy and breastfeeding can cause the breasts to lose volume and sag. Breast augmentation and/or breast lift procedures included in the Mommy Makeover can restore fullness, shape, and position, resulting in more youthful and rejuvenated breasts.

2. Tighten abdominal muscles

Pregnancy stretches the abdominal muscles, leading to a condition known as diastasis recti. The Mommy Makeover includes a tummy tuck procedure, which tightens the abdominal muscles, removes excess skin, and eliminates stubborn fat deposits, creating a flatter and more toned abdomen.

3.Improved body contour

The Mommy Makeover can also address other areas of concern, such as stubborn fat deposits in the hips, thighs, or buttocks. Aesthetic enhancement can encompass liposuction, which can work hand in hand with shaping the body’s overall symmetry and appeal by reducing unwanted fat.

4. Elevated Confidence

Women may struggle with their body image after going through pregnancy and childbirth. The Mommy Makeover takes care of physical modifications required to restore youthfulness providing considerable benefits in terms of boosting self confidence and enhancing overall wellness.

The Best Candidate for this Procedure

It is important to consult with a qualified plastic surgeon who specializes in Mommy Makeover procedures to determine candidacy and discuss individual concerns and goals.

Consultation with Doctor and Preparation for the Procedure

In order to kick off proceedings with due care, significant attention is attributed by plastic surgeons towards gaining familiarity with key medical determinants in conjunction with understanding aesthetic preference goals of a patient who comes for consultation. Intensive physical examination takes place thereafter for maximum coverage. Different components comprising Mommy Makeover are discussed at length during this session while considering available decisions to be made as well as potential outcomes post-procedure . Commensurate with requirements and preferences elicited during consultations, personalized treatment protocol is produced.

Preparation for the Mommy Makeover may involve undergoing certain medical tests, adjusting medications, and following specific pre-operative instructions provided by the surgeon. These instructions may include refraining from smoking, avoiding certain medications that increase the risk of bleeding, and making arrangements for post-operative care and support.

What's Happening During the Procedure

Motherhood can take a toll on the body in various ways, often leaving women with feelings of discomfort in their physical appearance. The Mommy Makeover is a set of customizable surgical treatments to help women get back their pre motherhood figure through tailored processes such as breast augmentation or lift surgery, abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) surgery employing tumescence techniques, precise liposuction methods along with other treatments suggested based on individual requirements and preferences. 

During the procedure, the surgeon will make discreet incisions in strategic locations to minimize visible scarring. They will then perform the necessary techniques, such as breast implant placement, breast lift, muscle tightening, and fat removal through liposuction. The surgeon will work meticulously to sculpt the desired contours and achieve a more youthful and rejuvenated appearance.

After the Procedure and Recovery

After the Mommy Makeover, the patient will be closely monitored in a recovery area before being discharged. Pain medication will be prescribed to manage any discomfort, and the surgeon may recommend wearing compression garments to reduce swelling and support the healing process.

When undergoing a Mommy Makeover. The recovery period can differ based on the scope of procedures involved. Its vital to comply with your surgeons’ post surgical guidelines to support a successful outcome.

Patients are advised that during the initial stages of recovery they may experience some degree of swelling, bruising or discomfort. It is vital that ample time is allowed for proper healing and adherence is observed towards the surgeon’s guidelines on resuming routine activities gradually.

Final Result

The final results of a Mommy Makeover become more apparent as the body heals and the swelling subsides. Patients who undergo a Mommy Makeover will witness an extensive improvement in their physical appearance such as proportionate physical features comprising spectacularly reshaped breasts alongside giving it adequate volume, resulting in an entirely flatter tummy with excellent muscle tone. Leading a healthy lifestyle inclusive of unceasing exercising regimens combined with mindful eating habits will undoubtedly prove helpful in achieving lasting results.


As mothers navigate parenthood, it’s natural to miss the comfort of one’s former body shape. Luckily, today’s exceptional surgical advancements provide a pathway towards regaining that shape via the remarkable Mommy Makeover technique. This innovative approach offers moms renewed poise combined with renewed physical vitality. By combining various surgical techniques, the Mommy Makeover addresses the specific changes that occur in the breasts, abdomen, and other areas after pregnancy and childbirth. It is important to consult with a skilled and experienced plastic surgeon to discuss individual goals, assess candidacy, and receive personalized guidance throughout the process.


Determining the timeframe for the surgical process largely hinges on which specific surgeries are combined, generally taking anywhere from three to six hours.

Just like any other surgery out there in the world nowadays presents their own set of inherent uncertainties which could pose problems during or even after surgery. Included among these risks are bleeding complications post-surgery, vulnerability to infections or tarnishing of the skin surface coupled with sensations getting modified or manifesting adverse effects due to anesthesia usage during surgery.

The recovery time varies for each patient, but most women can gradually resume work and light activities within two to three weeks. Strenuous exercise and heavy lifting should be avoided for several weeks or as recommended by the surgeon.

The ability to breastfeed after a Mommy Makeover depends on the specific procedures performed. It’s worth noting that this blog post is exclusively intended as an educational resource. Its not meant to replace any counsel or diagnosis from a medical practitioner. To ensure you receive personalized care we highly recommend scheduling a consultation with a licensed plastic surgeon who can assess your specific needs and advise on appropriate treatment options.

Please be advised that the information outlined in this blog post is meant purely for educational use and must not replace professional medical guidance. To determine the best course of action suited to your needs its’ advisable to book a consultation with a credible plastic surgeon who can offer personalized insights based on their specialty.

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