Microneedling Treatment in Abu Dhabi

Elyzee Hospital is one of the best medical centers in Abu Dhabi specializing in Facial Treatments.

Microneedling Treatment in Abu Dhabi

Microneedling has become increasingly popular in years as an invasive cosmetic procedure known for its impressive ability to rejuvenate the skin. In this guide we will cover all aspects of Microneedling Treatment including its benefits, who is suitable for the procedure, what to expect during a consultation, the actual treatment process, recovery, after the procedure, final outcomes and an extensive Q&A section to address common questions and concerns.

The benefits of this procedure

Microneedling provides benefits for those looking to enhance the texture, tone and overall look of their skin. This invasive procedure is effective in treating concerns like wrinkles, fine lines, acne scars and hyperpigmentation. By creating controlled micro injuries, on the skin’s surface Microneedling stimulates the production of collagen and elastin leading to more skin.

The best candidate for this procedure

The ideal candidate for Microneedling Treatment is someone looking to rejuvenate their skin without undergoing surgery. Suitable candidates may have concerns related to aging, scarring, or uneven skin texture. When you have a consultation with a professional they will evaluate your skin type and concerns to determine if Microneedling is suitable for you.

Consultation with a healthcare professional and preparation for managing insulin resistance

Before getting Microneedling Treatment it is important to have a discussion with a professional who will design a customized treatment plan that addresses your skin issues. As part of the preparation process you may need to stop using skincare products, stay away from the sun and follow a treatment skincare routine to achieve the best results and reduce any potential complications.

What’s happening during the management process

Microneedling is a procedure that utilizes a tool containing sterilized needles. These needles create controlled punctures on the surface of the skin. These micro injuries trigger the skin’s healing mechanism. Promote the generation of collagen and elastin. The treatment can be done with or without a numbing cream to reduce any discomfort. It usually lasts between 30 to 60 minutes depending on the specific area being treated.

After the procedure and recovery

After undergoing Microneedling Treatment patients might notice redness, swelling and a sensation that resembles a sunburn. These effects are typically temporary. Can be alleviated by using skincare products and applying compresses. It’s important to shield the skin from sunlight during the healing process and adhere to the treatment guidelines provided by your practitioner.

Final Result

The results of Microneedling become more noticeable over time as the skin continues to produce collagen and heal. Patients can anticipate enhancements in skin texture, diminished lines and wrinkles and a balanced skin tone. The degree of improvement may vary depending on skin conditions. The number of treatment sessions attended. It is often recommended to undergo sessions, for the possible outcome.


Microneedling treatment is an effective solution for rejuvenating the skin providing numerous benefits, for individuals looking to improve their skin’s health and appearance. Whether you’re dealing with signs of aging, scars or uneven skin texture this procedure offers a way to achieve more youthful looking skin. It’s important to trust the expertise of a professional when seeking this treatment to ensure results.


Although the procedure may cause some discomfort it is usually well tolerated. To minimize any pain or discomfort a numbing cream is often applied topically.

The number of sessions required varies based on individual goals and skin conditions. Many patients see improvement after one session, while a series of sessions may be recommended for more significant results.

Microneedling is generally considered safe for types and shades of skin. However it’s important to speak with a certified professional to establish the treatment approach tailored to your requirements.

The results of Microneedling can be long-lasting, but ongoing maintenance and sun protection are crucial to preserving the benefits over time.

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