Microneedling in Abu Dhabi

Elyzee Hospital is one of the best hospital centers in Abu Dhabi, specializing in Microneedling.

Mommy Makeover

Best Microneedling. The secret to flawless skin in Abu Dhabi

Looking for an effective way to boost your skincare regimen? Microneedling might be just what you need! This minimally invasive cosmetic procedure involves creating controlled micro injuries on your skin by using tiny sterile needles. Also known as collagen induction therapy, microneedling helps stimulate your bodys’ natural healing response for new collagen and elastin fibers production. Want to know if you’re an ideal candidate or curious about other aspects of this treatment such as benefits, recovery period or commonly asked questions? Read further – we’ve got you covered!

The Benefits of this Procedure

The skin can experience various benefits from microneedling, including:

1. Improvement in Skin Texture

Utilizing microneedling treatment can yield many benefits Including boosting collagen and elastin production levels that contribute to maintaining your skins’ elasticity and texture. Improving these aspects has been shown to lead to smoother. Firmer- looking skin with a healthier glow.

2. Reduction in Scars

Many people have found microneedling therapy to be a reliable option when treating various types of scarring like acne scars,surgical scars and stretch marks owing to its invaluable benefits towards stimulating collagen production as well as breaking down scar tissue naturally. Through this treatment approach,new healthy cells are promoted leaving your skin looking softer with minimal signs of scarring visible in many cases-a clear indication that microneedling is a worthwhile intervention when aiming at optimal skincare results!

PRP Skin Rejuvenation

3. Diminishment of Wrinkles and Fine Lines

Collagen production and elastin fiber formation stimulated by microneedling shows promise in diminishing wrinkle visibility along with fine lines. This process initiates the skin’s inherent rejuvenation system leading to substantial improvements seen on features as having more volume or youthfulness.

4. Enhancement of Skin Tone

When it comes to addressing particular facial skincare issues such as uneven texture or blotches due to excessive melanin production microneedling has proven time after time as an effective solution worth considering. 

5. Treatment of Skin Conditions

The power of microneedling is evident in its ability to deliver results for patients living with particular skin disorders like rosacea, melasma or alopecia. The procedure drastically reduces the symptoms experienced when dealing with these problems leading to healthier skin overall.

The Best Candidate for this Procedure

It is important for candidates to have realistic expectations and be committed to following the post-treatment care instructions provided by their healthcare provider.

Consultation with Doctor and Preparation for the Procedure

Microneedling can yield excellent results when approached methodically. A prerequisite for this procedure is scheduling a preliminary meeting with a qualified healthcare provider who can evaluate an individual’s skin concerns. Discuss their specific goals and expectations while determining whether microneedling constitutes the ideal solution.

When individuals approach healthcare providers seeking medical treatment or interventions. It is their right to be well informed about their options. Healthcare providers take on a responsibility of explaining all procedural aspects – such as prospective threats, advantages, and likely outcomes – so individuals can weigh up their options before giving informed consent.

What's Happening During the Procedure

During a microneedling procedure, the healthcare provider will cleanse the skin and apply a topical numbing cream to ensure the patient’s comfort. Once the numbing cream has taken effect, the provider will use a handheld device with fine needles to create controlled micro-injuries in the skin. The device is moved in a gentle rolling motion across the treatment area, and multiple passes may be made to ensure optimal results. 

Typically lasting between thirty minutes and one hour contingent upon areas under treatment, some clients may experience slight discomfort or light pinpricks throughout their procedure. Thankfully, numbing creams are applied beforehand so that patients’ levels of discomfort can be kept under control during their session.

After the Procedure and Recovery

After microneedling, the skin may appear red and feel sensitive, similar to a mild sunburn. This is a normal response and typically subsides within a few days. The provider may apply a soothing serum or post-treatment mask to calm the skin and enhance the healing process. It is important to follow the post-treatment instructions provided by the healthcare provider, which may include:

Individual recovery times may vary, but most individuals can expect their skin to fully recover within a week. It is crucial to allow the skin to heal naturally and avoid any aggressive skincare treatments or procedures during the recovery period.

Final Result

The final results of microneedling become noticeable as the skin’s natural healing process takes place. Collagen and elastin production continue to increase over several weeks following the procedure, leading to visible improvements in skin texture, reduced scarring, and a more youthful complexion. While individual results may vary, most individuals require a series of microneedling sessions spaced several weeks apart to achieve optimal results.


Microneedling has emerged as one the most popular cosmetic treatments today by prompting new collagen growth held accountable for healthier-looking dermal tissue. The entire process activates healing responses resulting in smoother looking reticulations offering elasticity restoration making it ideal for anybody wanting better-looking younger vibrant fresh healthy new-gen looks regardless of age or gender! At present time various options are accessible catering to specific types of skin with accompanying symptoms. Patients engaging in this procedure should consult an accredited healthcare professional allowing for specialized diversity when it comes to personalized treatment plans with different outcome guarantees, ultimately increasing the overall quality and appearance of your skin which results in a positive outlook – Instilling newfound confidence once again.

Micro needling in Abu Dhabi


The majority of individuals experience minimal discomfort during microneedling due to the numbing cream applied before the procedure. However, individual pain tolerance may vary.

The majority of individuals experience minimal discomfort during microneedling due to the numbing cream applied before the procedure. However, individual pain tolerance may vary.

Though providing enduring benefits for the skin surface, microneedling cannot ultimately stop or reverse natural aging. Therefore, as vital contributors to optimizing extended positive outcomes for patients uniquely suited for their needs along with safeguarding against sun damage in accordance with personalized provider guidance is essential. undergoing this procedure – implementing proper skincare practices

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