Mesotherapy in Abu Dhabi

Elyzee Hospital is one of the best hospital centers in Abu Dhabi, specializing in Non-Surgical Procedures.

Mesotherapy in Abu Dhabi

A cordial welcome! We have put together a thorough guide regarding mesotherapy which is an advanced cosmetic approach meant for improving skin texture & tone via non-invasive means. This piece intends not only to showcase but also highlight its many merits such as improved hydration & nourishment while cautioning those who may be unsuitable candidates from procuring it through proper consultations beforehand. We’ll provide insight into the necessary steps one must take before undergoing mesotherapy, followed by explaining the treatment procedure while shedding light on post-treatment recovery measures that ensure best-session outcomes. Lastly, we close with a detailed Q&A to address any lingering queries.

The Benefits of Mesotherapy

Mesotherapy offers a multitude of benefits for individuals seeking to improve their skin’s appearance and address specific cosmetic concerns. Let’s explore some of the key advantages:

1. Skin Rejuvenation

According to popular belief. Mesotherapy has been observed to activate the synthesis of collagen and elastin. Critical components that uphold the elasticity and firmness of our skin. This leads to a rejuvenated appearance, with reduced fine lines, wrinkles, and sagging skin.

2. Cellulite Reduction

By injecting targeted solutions into cellulite-prone areas, mesotherapy breaks down fat cells, improves circulation, and reduces the dimpled appearance of cellulite, providing smoother and more even skin texture.

3. Hair Growth Stimulation

Mesotherapy promotes hair growth by delivering vital nutrients and vitamins directly to the hair follicles, effectively combating hair thinning, stimulating dormant follicles, and improving hair density.

4. Pigmentation Correction

The customizable solutions used in mesotherapy can effectively regulate melanin production, addressing hyperpigmentation concerns such as melasma or sunspots and promoting a more even skin tone.

5. Scar Improvement

Mesotherapy helps reduce the visibility of scars, including acne scars, by promoting collagen remodeling and tissue regeneration, resulting in a smoother and more refined skin surface.

6. Skin Hydration and Radiance

The infusion of moisture-binding substances during mesotherapy provides optimal hydration, leading to improved skin texture and a radiant complexion.

The Best Candidate for Mesotherapy

Mesotherapy is a suitable option for individuals who wish to avoid invasive surgery while still seeking cosmetic improvements despite gender differences and age groups with dissimilar skin types. This therapy can be easily customized by targeting problem areas such as arms/legs/scalp/neck area/facial upgradation etc., according to personal requirements – whether one intends to revive their facial aesthetic look or tone up their body structure along with addressing hair-loss woes.

Consultation with a Doctor and Preparation for the Procedure

To guarantee the most successful outcome possible its imperative to plan a consultation with a proficient healthcare specialist who has expertise in administering mesotherapy. In this primary appointment. The doctor will appraise your skin condition. Address any apprehensions or aspirations you may have and establish if mesotherapy is a viable option for treatment.


Individuals looking to undergo mesotherapy should take care to avoid any medication or supplement that could potentially thin their blood ahead of time. This includes abstaining from alcohol consumption for several days leading up to their scheduled appointment. Your healthcare professional will provide detailed guidelines personalized to your specific situation.

What's Happening During the Procedure

Mesotherapy is typically performed in a medical office under the expert care of a trained professional. The process begins with the application of a topical anesthetic to minimize any potential discomfort. Once the treatment area is numb, the healthcare professional uses a fine-gauge needle or a mechanical injector device to administer a series of precise injections.

The customized solution, tailored to your specific needs, is skillfully injected into the middle layer of the skin, allowing the potent ingredients to nourish and revitalize the cells directly. 

Whenever you opt for mesotherapy treatments, remember that the actual timing of each session hinges upon both how big and frequently occupied your target areas are. On average though – know that such sessions demand between 30 minutes to about one hour tops max! Come experience how convenient this technique can be while also ensuring you achieve desired results.

After the Procedure and Recovery

Following mesotherapy, you may experience mild redness, swelling, or bruising in the treated area. Feeling the after effects of a medical procedure is quite common and nothing to be overly concerned about. These symptoms usually dissipate within a few days’ time. To aid in faster healing. Your healthcare provider may recommend using cold compresses or topicals.

Abiding by your physician’s after-procedure recommendations is critical. They could require limiting time spent in direct sunlight or scaling back on strenuous physical exertions as well as adopting a personalized dermatological routine tailored for your specific needs – directions that must be taken seriously and followed closely for best results. While everyone experiences varying outcomes over different timelines following treatment, countless patients express gradual yet satisfactory improvements regarding skin quality such as enhanced texture & tone plus an overall wellbeing could appear in adhering with each instruction precisely just days into the process itself!

The Final Result

The final results of mesotherapy are typically achieved through a series of sessions tailored to your specific goals. Achieving optimal results often requires a successive series of treatments rather than just one visit. While certain individuals may see changes after their initial consultation or procedure its’ more common for those to need multiple appointments upfront. Multiple factors come into play when assessing the longevity of outcomes, including but not limited to your individual skin health and how you keep up your daily routines in conjunction with which region is being targeted.

Regular maintenance treatments may be recommended to prolong and maximize the benefits of mesotherapy. These follow-up sessions allow your healthcare professional to monitor your progress and make any necessary adjustments to ensure long-lasting and satisfying results.


Mesotherapy is an innovative and versatile procedure that offers a range of benefits for individuals seeking skin rejuvenation, cellulite reduction, hair growth stimulation, pigmentation correction, scar improvement, and overall skin enhancement. By targeting specific concerns and delivering customized solutions, mesotherapy provides personalized and effective treatments.

If one is considering undergoing any form of medical procedure or treatment impacting their health, it is critical to reach out for guidance from competent healthcare professionals. A seasoned expert in this field can use their expertise wisely in assessing individual needs accurately so that they could design an exclusive course of action catering precisely to each patient’s requirements. 


The number of mesotherapy sessions required varies based on individual goals and concerns.

The number of mesotherapy sessions required varies based on individual goals and concerns.

The discomfort experienced during mesotherapy is usually minimal. The application of a topical anesthetic before the procedure helps minimize any potential discomfort. While some individuals may feel slight pinching or stinging sensations during the injections, they are generally well-tolerated.

The longevity of mesotherapy results varies depending on individual factors such as lifestyle, skin condition, and treatment area. After receiving this treatment one can expect results to last between several months and a year or more. To prevent any alteration in these pleasing outcomes. It is recommended that follow up sessions or regular upkeep treatments be arranged. Your healthcare professional can provide more specific information based on your unique situation.

Mesotherapy offers a non-surgical and effective approach to achieve your desired skin improvements. By revitalizing and enhancing the skin’s appearance, this innovative procedure provides a safe and convenient option for individuals seeking a refreshed and rejuvenated look. Consult with a qualified healthcare professional today to explore the transformative possibilities of mesotherapy and embark on your journey to radiant and revitalized skin.

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