Lipedema Procedure in Abu Dhabi

Elyzee Hospital is one of the best medical centers in Abu Dhabi specializing in Lipedema.

Lipedema Procedure in Abu Dhabi

Lipedema is a condition that leads to an accumulation of fat in the legs and buttocks affecting both emotional well being. The great news is that there are treatments to manage this condition. In this guide we will provide you with information about the Lipedema procedure, including its benefits and the recovery process. We’ll address frequently asked questions along the way to ensure you have all the insights.

The benefits of this procedure

The Lipedema procedure provides benefits for individuals dealing with this condition. It aids in alleviating pain, increasing mobility and improving quality of life. Furthermore it can contribute to achieving a body shape, which boosts self esteem and body confidence.

The best candidate for this procedure

While the Lipedema procedure can provide significant relief, it’s essential to identify suitable candidates. Those who are ideal for this procedure typically have a confirmed diagnosis of Lipedema, are in good overall health, and have realistic expectations about the outcomes.

Consultation with a Doctor and Preparation for the Procedure

It is important for individuals considering the Lipedema procedure to seek advice from a surgeon. This initial consultation allows the surgeon to assess the patient’s condition, address their objectives and develop a customized treatment plan. Preparing for the procedure may involve making lifestyle changes like keeping weight stable and temporarily stopping medications.

What's Happening During the Procedure

The Lipedema procedure typically involves the removal of excess fat through liposuction techniques. A specialized approach is required to ensure the preservation of lymphatic vessels and minimize trauma. This delicate process is performed under anesthesia, ensuring patient comfort throughout the procedure.

After the Procedure and Recovery

After undergoing the Lipedema procedure patients should anticipate a recovery phase and post operative care. This may involve wearing compression garments addressing pain and swelling and gradually reintroducing activity. The length of the recovery period may differ for each individual. Typically spans weeks.

Final Result

As time passes and the body heals while the swelling goes down patients will gradually notice the outcomes of the Lipedema procedure. These outcomes typically encompass a leg contour, diminished discomfort. Improved ability to move around. It is crucial to uphold a way of life in order to guarantee that these advantages endure for a time.


The Lipedema procedure is a choice, for people who are looking for relief, from the emotional challenges that come with this condition. It provides an opportunity to improve quality of life by reducing pain, increasing mobility and boosting self confidence. By selecting a surgeon and adhering to the recommended operative care individuals can anticipate a brighter and more comfortable future.


The duration of the process may vary depending on how serious the condition’s the specific techniques used. Typically it can take hours on average.

Insurance policies can differ. There’s a possibility that certain policies might provide coverage for the procedure if it is considered necessary. To get details it is important to reach out to both your insurance provider and your surgeon’s office.

Like any surgical procedure there are certain risks and complications involved such, as the possibility of infection, bleeding and bruising. However when a skilled surgeon carries out the procedure these risks are significantly reduced.

It’s advisable to gradually reintroduce physical activities after the procedure. This timeline will be discussed with your surgeon and may vary depending on individual factors.

While the procedure can provide long-lasting relief, it’s crucial to maintain a healthy lifestyle to prevent the recurrence of Lipedema symptoms. Regular exercise and a balanced diet can help sustain the results.

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