Fillers in Abu Dhabi

Elyzee Hospital is one of the best hospital centers in Abu Dhabi, specializing in fillers.

Mommy Makeover

Get a natural look without surgery with a filler procedure in Abu Dhabi

Dermal fillers have become an increasingly sought-after option among people desiring non-invasive cosmetic enhancements; the use of these injectable materials can help smoothen wrinkles and restore volume lost due to aging. These substances come in different formulations containing hyaluronic acid or collagen , amongst others, and are directed towards areas exhibiting signs of aging like loss of volume or wrinkles .Our informative post aims at exploring significant filler procedure aspects: benefits, suitable candidates’ selection process along with steps involved before and after the procedure. We will also elaborate on the underlying process during and post-treatment recovery period, culminating in a Q&A section that covers commonly asked concerns for interested readers.

The Benefits of this Procedure

Fillers offer several benefits, making them a popular choice among individuals seeking facial rejuvenation and enhancement. Some of the key advantages include:

1. Restoring volume

Fillers are highly effective in restoring volume to areas of the face that have lost fullness due to aging or other factors. They can plump up hollow cheeks, sunken under eyes, thin lips, and areas with deep wrinkles or folds.

2. Reducing the appearance of wrinkles

Fillers can smooth out wrinkles and fine lines, giving the skin a more youthful and rejuvenated appearance. There are diverse wrinkle types that can get treated through cosmetic procedures. These include nasolabial folds, marionette lines, and vertical lip creases.


3. Enhancing facial features

The utilization of fillers has proven invaluable in catering towards niche cosmetic needs where emphasis is placed on enhancing specific regions of one’s face including but not limited to; the lips, cheeks and jawline. This treatment injects volume into these segments which creates an enhanced appearance with defined contours that increase visual appeal whilst also ensuring overall facial symmetry.

4. Non-surgical and minimal downtime

One of the significant advantages of fillers is that they are non-surgical procedures. They are typically performed as outpatient treatments and require minimal downtime, allowing individuals to resume their daily activities shortly after the procedure.

The Best Candidate for this Procedure

It is essential to consult with a qualified and experienced healthcare provider to determine if fillers are the most suitable option to achieve the desired results.

Consultation with Doctor and Preparation for the Procedure

During the initial consultation, healthcare providers take stock of important metrics such as facial structure, skin condition and particular apprehensions. The purpose is to determine whether fillers could be beneficial to the client’s needs or not. They meticulously expand on different filler options and examine which ones fit well with your objective.

The healthcare provider will provide detailed pre-operative instructions to help the patient prepare both physically and mentally for the filler procedure.

What's Happening During the Procedure

The filler procedure typically involves the following steps:

1. Cleansing the treatment area: The healthcare provider will cleanse the treatment area to ensure it is free of dirt, oil, and makeup.

2. Numbing the treatment area: Depending on the patient’s comfort level and the location of the treatment, a topical or injectable numbing agent may be applied to minimize any discomfort during the procedure.

3. Injecting the filler: Using a fine needle or cannula, the healthcare provider injects the filler substance into the predetermined areas of the face. The provider carefully evaluates the facial anatomy and injects the filler to achieve the desired volume, contour, and wrinkle reduction.

4. Massaging and evaluating the results: After injecting the filler, the provider may gently massage the treated areas to ensure smooth distribution of the filler material. The patient and the provider will evaluate the results to determine if additional filler injections are needed for optimal outcomes.

5. Cleaning and post-procedure care: The provider will clean the treatment area and provide post-procedure care instructions. This may include applying ice packs to reduce swelling, avoiding strenuous activities, and avoiding excessive sun exposure.

After the Procedure and Recovery

After undergoing the filler procedure. Patients may encounter some minor swelling, redness, and tenderness in the treated regions. These outcomes are usually impermanent. And they settle within a couple of days. The healthcare provider may recommend avoiding certain activities or products that could potentially irritate the skin or affect the filler results.

Patients typically experience no delay in resuming their daily activities immediately after undergoing the procedure; nonetheless following your healthcare providers’ specific instructions remains essential in this regard.

Final Result

The final results of fillers become more apparent as any initial swelling subsides and the filler settles into the treated areas. The patient will notice immediate improvement in volume restoration, wrinkle reduction, and facial contour enhancement. The overall duration of filler results usually ranges from a few months to one year depending on variables like the type of filler applied and an individuals metabolic rate. Its’ important to keep in mind these factors when considering this cosmetic procedure.

Periodic maintenance treatments can be done to sustain the results over time. The healthcare provider will provide recommendations for follow-up appointments and touch-up treatments based on the patient’s specific needs.


Fillers offer a non-surgical and effective solution for individuals seeking facial rejuvenation, volume restoration, and wrinkle reduction. In recent years. Many patients have gravitated toward filler treatments as a way of achieving enhanced facial features without having to undergo surgery. With its ability to naturally enhance ones’ appearance using injections its’ easy why fillers have gained popularity over time. To ensure the best results possible. It is recommended that individuals seek out an experienced healthcare provider for consultation and follow proper pre and post treatment guidelines diligently.


Yes, Fillers have been scrutinized for their safety features extensively in several cosmetic procedures over time. The safety aspect associated with fillers encompasses various factors like the type of filler employed during treatment, healthcare practitioners’ experience level as well as patients’ personal response rates. Selecting certified and experienced healthcare providers remains crucial in ensuring patients’ obtainment of trustworthy benefits from safe treatments.

Yes, Fillers have been scrutinized for their safety features extensively in several cosmetic procedures over time. The safety aspect associated with fillers encompasses various factors like the type of filler employed during treatment, healthcare practitioners’ experience level as well as patients’ personal response rates. Selecting certified and experienced healthcare providers remains crucial in ensuring patients’ obtainment of trustworthy benefits from safe treatments.

In order to ascertain the length of time that patients can realistically expect their filler treatments to remain effective. Its crucial to consider which specific variation has been administered. For instance. Certain types offer results that generally only linger for six to eighteen months while others maintain their efficacy for as long as twenty four months or more. Additionally. Taking into account ones personal habits such as diet and exercise routines alongside metabolic function helps paint a more comprehensive picture regarding expected treatment outcomes in each individual case. Periodic maintenance treatments can help sustain the effects over time.

In some cases, fillers can be reversed using an enzyme called hyaluronidase. It’s good to have knowledge about the existence of an enzyme that possesses the power to dissolve hyaluronic acid fillers if required for necessary adjustments or corrections after receiving the treatment. However, seeking assistance from a healthcare provider beforehand would be respectful and wise, ensuring proper assessment and management in dealing with any concerns or dissatisfaction arising from the results achieved by the filler injection procedure.

Yes, fillers can be combined with other cosmetic procedures to achieve comprehensive facial rejuvenation. Common combinations include combining fillers with Botox injections, laser treatments, or surgical procedures for a more holistic approach to facial enhancement. The medical professional will assess the distinct requirements and aspirations of the individual in order to craft a tailored course of treatment.

Though generally viewed as benign by those receiving them – fillers do pose certain hazards that need consideration when deciding upon whether or not to proceed.   Commonly encountered adverse events include but are not limited to: bruising; swelling; reddening; tenderness; infection- amongst others less frequently occurring such as allergic responses or body tissue trauma. It is critical that you collaborate with your healthcare provider to analyze which risks could apply most to your personal circumstance. In turn allowing for knowledgeable decision making. Along with this, adhering to their guidance for safe treatment can promote the chances of an optimal overall experience.

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