Filler Dissolving in Abu Dhabi

Elyzee Hospital is one of the best hospital centers in Abu Dhabi, specializing in filler dissolving.

Get a natural look without surgery with a filler procedure

Filler dissolving – also labelled by experts as Filler Reversal or Hyaluronidase Treatment – is a revolutionary dermatological method for restoring skin affected by unwanted symptoms arising from dermal fillers. The procedure mandates injection of a specialized enzyme called Hyaluronidase all of which combine to break down and absorb previous injections with respect to using hyaluronic acid-based fillers. This informative article intends on elaborating on who would make perfect possible candidates for such treatments alongside explaining steps required prior towards consultations which are vital pieces leading up to success regarding achieving desired results looking forward beyond completion.

The Benefits of this Procedure

The filler dissolving procedure offers several benefits for individuals who are dissatisfied with the results of their dermal filler treatment. These benefits include:

1. Correcting Overfilled or Uneven Areas

Sometimes, dermal fillers can result in overfilled or uneven areas, leading to an unnatural appearance. Filler dissolving allows for precise correction of these issues, restoring balance and symmetry to the treated area.

2. Addressing Filler Complications

In rare cases, complications can occur with dermal fillers, such as infections, granulomas, or vascular compromise. Filler dissolving can help address these complications by removing the filler material and promoting healing.

Lip Flip in Abu Dhabi
Filler Dissolving in Abu Dhabi

3. Flexibility and Control

Filler dissolving provides individuals with the flexibility to modify or reverse their filler treatment if they are not satisfied with the results. This can be particularly beneficial for those who want to try a different approach or adjust their aesthetic goals.

4. Minimal Downtime

The filler dissolving procedure is relatively quick and minimally invasive, allowing individuals to resume their regular activities shortly after the treatment. This makes it a convenient option for those with busy schedules.

The Best Candidate for this Procedure

The ideal candidates for filler dissolving are individuals who have previously undergone dermal filler treatments and are dissatisfied with their results. Common reasons for seeking filler dissolving include:

It’s important to acknowledge that when it comes to dissolving fillers, hyaluronic acid based ones see optimal results. Nevertheless other avenues aside from traditional filler dissolving methods may need exploring for alternate types such as collagen and calcium hydroxylapatite.

Consultation with Doctor and Preparation for the Procedure

Before undergoing a filler dissolving procedure, it is crucial to schedule a consultation with a qualified cosmetic dermatologist or plastic surgeon. During this consultation, the provider will assess the individual’s concerns, review their previous filler treatment, and determine if filler dissolving is the appropriate course of action.

What's Happening During the Procedure

During a filler dissolving procedure, the following steps are typically involved:

1. Cleansing and Numbing: The provider cleanses the treatment area and may apply a topical numbing cream to ensure the individual’s comfort during the procedure.

2. Hyaluronidase Injection: Using their expertise and experience to great effect, our provider artfully injects small amounts of hyaluronidase into specific points within problem areas containing excess filler. Through a gradual breakdown process using molecules found solely within this key enzyme designed for such applications, the offending substances will become slowly metabolized and put safely behind you!

The procedure is relatively quick, and the precise technique ensures that only the targeted areas are treated while preserving the surrounding tissues.

After the Procedure and Recovery

Following filler-dissolving procedures, patients may notice some temporary swelling, redness, or bruising on the treated sites—this is perfectly normal. These effects usually disappear within a few days without complications. To manage any discomfort you may feel during this healing process your provider could recommend using cold compresses along with avoiding heavy exercise regimens or other rigorous activities which can elevate blood flow levels temporarily.

We should note that patience is necessary when undergoing filler dissolving as it typically takes a few days for conclusive results to materialize. This is because any dissolved filler substance is gradually metabolized and eliminated by our bodies. Depending on individual factors like how much and what type of filler was initially injected, achieving optimal effects may require more than one treatment session.

Final Result

The final result of filler dissolving is a reduction or complete reversal of the effects of the previously injected filler. The treated areas will gradually return to their pre-filler appearance, providing a more natural and balanced aesthetic outcome. The final results may vary depending on the individual’s unique circumstances, the type and amount of filler being dissolved, and the body’s response to the procedure.


Filler dissolving, or hyaluronidase treatment, offers individuals the ability to correct or reverse the effects of dermal fillers. Whether addressing overfilled areas, complications, or simply changing aesthetic goals, this procedure provides a solution for those seeking flexibility and control over their appearance. Consulting with a qualified provider is crucial to assess the suitability of filler dissolving and develop a personalized treatment plan. With its minimal downtime and noticeable results, filler dissolving serves as an effective option for individuals who wish to modify or reverse the effects of dermal fillers.


Discomfort during the filler dissolving procedure is typically minimal. Some individuals may experience slight discomfort or a pinching sensation during the injection of hyaluronidase. Numbing cream can be applied beforehand to minimize any potential discomfort.

Discomfort during the filler dissolving procedure is typically minimal. Some individuals may experience slight discomfort or a pinching sensation during the injection of hyaluronidase. Numbing cream can be applied beforehand to minimize any potential discomfort.

The lip flip procedure is generally well-tola

The final results of filler dissolving may take several days to fully manifest as the body gradually absorbs and eliminates the dissolved filler material. 

erated and causes minimal discomfort. Some individuals may experience mild pinching or a slight stinging sensation during the injections. Numbing cream can be applied beforehand to further minimize any potential discomfort.

Filler dissolving is generally considered safe when performed by a qualified professional.

Filler dissolving is primarily effective for hyaluronic acid-based fillers.

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