Double Chin Treatment in Abu Dhabi

Elyzee Hospital is one of the best medical centers in Abu Dhabi, specializing in Double Chin Treatment.

Mommy Makeover

Double Chin Treatment: Say Goodbye to Submental Fullness

The double chin, medically known as submental fullness, is a common aesthetic concern that can impact one’s self-confidence. Fortunately, there are various treatment options available to address this issue and achieve a more defined and sculpted jawline. From non-surgical treatments to surgical interventions, individuals now have effective solutions to eliminate their double chin and enhance their facial profile.

The Benefits of this Procedure

The benefits of double chin treatment extend beyond cosmetic improvements. They include:

1. Enhanced facial contour

Double chin treatment can significantly improve the contour of the face by eliminating excess fat or tightening loose skin in the submental area. This results in a more defined jawline and a rejuvenated appearance.

2. Boosted Self Confidence

The presence of a double chin can make individuals feel less confident about themselves. Hence treating this condition is essential for restoring ones’ lost confidence levels leading to increased overall well being. By undergoing the right treatment peoples concerns regarding their appearance are resolved which then results in elevated self confidence levels.

Chin Augmentation
Double Chin Treatment

3. Youthful appearance

A well-defined jawline is often associated with youthfulness and vitality. Individuals may choose double chin treatment as a way to refresh their facial appearance by achieving a more youthful and revitalized look.

The availability of non surgical options has expanded thanks to breakthroughs in medical science involving non invasive or minimally invasive techniques. With this approach comes an alternative path for individuals seeking noticeable enhancements without resorting to surgical means. Compared to traditional surgery. These methods cause fewer disruptions while minimizing recovery time and producing results that appear more authentic in nature.

The Best Candidate for this Procedure

The best candidate for double chin treatment is someone who is bothered by the appearance of a double chin or submental fullness. Individuals seeking treatment for fatty deposits beneath their chin or sagging skin around their neck region can benefit significantly from this cosmetic procedure. Working together closely with qualified medical professionals will enable you to tailor treatments that align precisely with your individualized aesthetic goals and targeted areas of concern. We encourage anyone interested in exploring these options more thoroughly to schedule an appointment promptly for personalized consultation.

Consultation with Doctor and Preparation for the Procedure

During the initial consultation, the medical professional will evaluate the patient’s double chin and discuss their goals and expectations. It’s essential to undergo a comprehensive evaluation by skilled practitioners who can identify the fundamental reasons behind developing a double chin. Whether it’s caused by adipose tissue buildup under your chin area or sagging facial skin resulting from aging, their findings will determine which therapy will work best for you. Various alternatives exist including non-invasive treatments like injections that cause minimal disruption along with slightly more invasive methods including liposuction and neck lift surgeries that hold promise for optimal outcomes if elected for removal measures of unwanted fat tissue in your jawline region.

It may be possible that the doctor will impart pre operative instructions to you. These instructions may consist of abstaining from certain medications or supplements. Such substances may enhance the danger of bleeding or bruising during the surgery. They will also explain the expected recovery process and provide guidance on post-treatment care.

What's Happening During the Procedure

The specific procedure for double chin treatment depends on the chosen treatment option:

1. Non-surgical treatments: Non-surgical treatments for double chin include injectables such as Kybella or Belkyra. These injectables contain a synthetic form of deoxycholic acid, which helps break down fat cells in the submental area. During the procedure, the injectable is carefully administered into targeted areas to dissolve the fat cells gradually.

2. Minimally invasive treatments: Minimally invasive procedures for double chin treatment typically involve liposuction or neck lift techniques. Liposuction involves the removal of excess fat deposits through a small incision, usually made under the chin. Neck lift procedures focus on tightening loose or sagging skin in the submental area, often through small incisions hidden behind the ears or under the chin.

The chosen procedure will be performed under the appropriate anesthesia or sedation to ensure patient comfort.

After the Procedure and Recovery

After double chin treatment, patients may experience some swelling, bruising, or discomfort in the treated area. The doctor will provide post-operative instructions to promote healing and minimize complications. These instructions may include keeping the head elevated, applying cold compresses, taking prescribed medications, and avoiding strenuous activities.

The recovery period varies depending on the chosen treatment option. If non-surgical therapy is preferred by patients for treatment purposes; it has very little downtime following completion and those undergoing it can return immediately back to their daily routine as usual. However, minor swelling or bruising may be expected but will get better with time ultimately. For minimally invasive techniques; there might be a need for several days before resuming ones’ regular engagements becomes viable again hence following doctors’ guidelines appropriately ensures successful recovery.

Final Result

The final result of double chin treatment is typically seen after the swelling has fully subsided and the tissues have healed. Patients can expect a more defined jawline, improved facial contour, and a reduction in submental fullness. The specific outcome will vary depending on the chosen treatment option, the individual’s anatomy, and their desired goals.


Double chin treatment offers individuals the opportunity to eliminate submental fullness and achieve a more defined and sculpted jawline. Whether you opt for non surgical injectables or minimally invasive procedures. You can rest assured that an effective solution exists for addressing wrinkles and fine lines. Your best bet is to book an appointment with an experienced healthcare provider who can assess your unique situation and recommend the optimal treatment plan based on your individual goals.


To guarantee patient satisfaction, double chin treatments are commonly performed under anesthesia or local anesthesia. While patients may encounter some soreness following the procedure, healthcare providers can usually manage it using prescribed medications.

To guarantee patient satisfaction, double chin treatments are commonly performed under anesthesia or local anesthesia. While patients may encounter some soreness following the procedure, healthcare providers can usually manage it using prescribed medications.

The recovery period for double chin treatment varies depending on the chosen procedure. IN today’s world of cosmetic treatments and surgeries, there are various alternatives that don’t involve surgery and have shorter recovery times. For those who select minimally invasive methods from skilled clinicians they trust- expect around one week max of downtime post-procedure. Do note that during the healing process there could be temporary side effects like swelling and/or bruising existing up to four weeks post-treatment day; yet ultimately in due time it will dissipate itself away naturally!

The results of double chin treatment can be long-lasting. Injectables that dissolve fat cells provide permanent results since the fat cells are permanently destroyed. Incorporating minimally invasive procedures into your beauty routine- such as liposuction or neck lift- can deliver enduring outcomes. But it cannot be stressed enough the importance of practicing a nutritious and active lifestyle post treatment so as to disallow any new fat accumulation or flaccid skin from emerging.

As you consider undergoing double chin treatment procedure you ought to be aware of possible health hazards linked with all surgeries like infections from bacteria or virus; excessive bleeding during cuts made by surgical blades ; Adverse drugs like anesthesia may cause reactions leading to shock-like state known as anaphylaxis causing danger on your life while treated by professionals even if they have acquired sufficient knowledge on how to operate regardless one should acknowledge expertise level in practice before entrusting them for maximum prevention as well as best achievable outcome at large rather than regretting later cause there was no precise choice made.

Yes, double chin treatment can be combined with other facial procedures to achieve a more comprehensive rejuvenation. For example, individuals may choose to combine their double chin treatment with facelift surgery or non-surgical facial rejuvenation treatments to achieve overall facial harmony.

Double chin treatment is generally considered as a cosmetic intervention thus making it ineligible for coverage by insurance companies. Still verifying with your insurer would be prudent to confirm if there are any possible coverage options you can explore.

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