Chemical Peel in Abu Dhabi

Elyzee Hospital is one of the best medical centers in Abu Dhabi, specializing in chemical peel.

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Discover best chemical Peel in Abi Dhabi

When one wishes to improve their skin’s appearance by eliminating damaged outer layers while supporting regeneration of new cells on one’s body; they may opt for chemical peel -a trendy cosmetic procedure. A range of chemicals are applied to the patient’s tissues creating controlled exfoliation followed by peeling resulting in improved visual looks- promoting self-confidence &smoother-feeling skin surface layer . In today’s blog-post: We will extensively cover essential nuances regarding ‘chemical-peel’ like advantages associated with it , characteristics of an ideal candidate, counseling process before opting for this medical solution followed up with detailed preparation aimed at ensuring smooth sailing! These steps are crucial before diving into the heart of the matter – what happens throughout the treatment, along with post-treatment recovery time period, conclusive results plus Frequently Asked Questions to help dispel any concerns you may have.

The Benefits of this Procedure

For those interested in improving skin health and appearance. Chemical peels offer numerous benefits. The key  feature of this treatment include:

1. Skin rejuvenation

For those seeking rejuvenated complexions chemical peels work by promoting new growth of healthy skin cells. This gentle process reduces issues related to fine lines, wrinkles while also addressing those frustrating acne scars as well as hyperpigmentation. In turn leading to contoured facial features characterized by an evenly toned finish that is smooth to the touch.

2. Improved skin texture

Enhancing your natural beauty can start with taking care of how you appear outwardly. Chemical peels are a fantastic option for smoothing out uneven textures in the top layer of one’s epidermis. Thereby creating supple softness whilst reducing pore size for improving concerns like persistent acne issues.

Chemical Peel

3. Stimulates collagen production

Chemical peel stimulates collagen production in the deeper layers of the skin. Collagen is a protein that provides structural support and elasticity, resulting in firmer and more youthful-looking skin.

4. Enhances skincare product penetration

After a chemical peel, the newly revealed skin is more receptive to skincare products. This means that serums, moisturizers, and other skincare treatments can penetrate more effectively, maximizing their benefits.

The Best Candidate for this Procedure

It is important to consult with a qualified dermatologist or aesthetician to determine if chemical peel is the most appropriate treatment for specific skin concerns.

Consultation with Doctor and Preparation for the Procedure

Throughout consultations, patients receive focused attention from skilled dermatologists or aestheticians who expertly evaluate their skin condition requirements with utmost respect. This enables effective identification of specific areas of concern which need addressing during a chemical peel treatment process-undertaken after careful review to identify suitable options that align with a patient’s aspirations. A thorough overview about all possible risks besides benefits associated with chemical peels is also provided as part ensuring informed decisions about procedures.

The dermatologist or aesthetician will provide detailed pre-peel instructions to ensure the patient is prepared both physically and mentally for the procedure.

What's Happening During the Procedure

The chemical peel procedure typically involves the following steps:

1. Cleansing the skin: The face or the treatment area is thoroughly cleansed to remove any dirt, oil, or makeup.

2. Application of the chemical solution: The specific chemical solution is applied to the skin using a brush, cotton pad, or sponge. The type and strength of the solution used depend on the desired depth of the peel and the patient’s skin type and condition.

3. Monitoring the peel: The healthcare provider closely monitors the skin during the peel process to ensure the desired outcome is achieved. The duration of the peel varies depending on the type of peel and the patient’s skin response.

4. Neutralization and cleansing: After the appropriate peel time, the chemical solution is neutralized or removed from the skin using water or a neutralizing agent.

5. Post-peel care: The healthcare provider applies a soothing ointment or moisturizer to the treated skin to minimize discomfort and protect the newly exposed skin. They may also provide specific post-peel instructions for home care.

After the Procedure and Recovery

Following a chemical peel, the skin may appear red, feel tight, and show signs of peeling or flaking. These effects are normal and expected as the skin undergoes the exfoliation and renewal process. The recovery period varies depending on the depth of the peel performed.

Patients may need to adjust their skincare routine and temporarily avoid certain products or treatments until the skin fully recovers.

Final Result

The final results of a chemical peel become more apparent as the skin heals and renews itself. The extent of improvement depends on the depth of the peel performed and the individual’s specific skin concerns. Generally, chemical peel treatments lead to a more even complexion, improved texture, reduced signs of aging or pigmentation, and a brighter and healthier appearance.

Multiple treatment sessions may be recommended for optimal results, spaced apart to allow the skin to heal between sessions. The healthcare provider will provide guidance on the recommended treatment plan and frequency.


Chemical peel has become a popular option among those searching for ways to enhance their skins’ condition and beauty. As it offers numerous advantages including but not limited to rejuvenated skin appearance elevated levels of collagen production as well as deeper product penetration within the layers. Moreover its ability in treating several different types of conditions makes it quite a versatile yet practical choice in terms of addressing skincare needs holistically. By consulting with a qualified healthcare provider and following proper pre and post-peel care, individuals can achieve smoother, more radiant, and youthful-looking skin with the help of chemical peel.


As the chemical solution is administered to the skin. A mild tingle or sting may be noticed by some individuals. Nonetheless. It is typically endurable. Healthcare providers may use techniques such as cooling fans or numbing creams to enhance patient comfort.

As the chemical solution is administered to the skin. A mild tingle or sting may be noticed by some individuals. Nonetheless. It is typically endurable. Healthcare providers may use techniques such as cooling fans or numbing creams to enhance patient comfort.

Opting for a chemical peel procedure means considering various factors that will have an impact on its duration. The healthcare provider will provide a more accurate estimate during the consultation.

While chemical peel is considered a safe procedure, there are potential risks and side effects. These can include temporary redness, swelling, sensitivity, peeling, and changes in skin color. Serious complications are rare when the procedure is performed by a trained professional.

The initial results of a chemical peel are typically visible soon after the procedure, as the outermost layers of the skin peel off. However, optimal results become more apparent as the  skin fully heals and regenerates, which can take several weeks. The healthcare provider will provide a timeline for expected results based on the specific peel performed.

Yes, chemical peel can be combined with other treatments to enhance overall results. More often than not chemical peels are integrated into an overall skincare regime that comprises various other procedures like laser treatment, microdermabrasion or injectable fillers. Yet ascertaining from a medical expert on how they should be implemented for safe and optimal outcomes by having them advise on which ones are ideal when combined together beforehand saves time and resources in the long run.

Making sure a chemical peel is suitable for your skin concerns requires the insight of a qualified healthcare provider. Schedule an appointment to receive their valuable advice and support throughout the procedure, which can make all the difference in achieving desired results

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