Buttock Augmentation in Abu Dhabi

Enhance your body and get your confidence with buttock Lift at Elyzee Hospital

Buttock Augmentation

Buttock Augmentation in Abu Dhabi at Elyzee Hospital

Enhancing your figure can be achieved through various methods including procedures like buttock augmentation which aims at creating a fuller and well rounded contour around the gluteus maximus region. Known by several names including Brazilin butt lift and/or Buttock Enhancement; liposuction paired with implant surgery work together in achieving these aesthetic goals effectively. Over time it has become an increasingly popular choice amongst those who seek improved physique making individuals feel more self assured and confident.

The Benefits of this Procedure

Buttock augmentation offers several benefits to individuals seeking to enhance the appearance of their buttocks:

1. Increased buttock volume and projection

The primary goal of buttock augmentation is to enhance the size and shape of the buttocks. The procedure can add volume and projection to create a more rounded and shapely appearance.

2. Get ready to flaunt a perfect figure

Get ready to flaunt a perfect figure with a butt enhancement procedure. By improving the contours of your buttocks, you can achieve ideal proportions in conjunction with your other body parts. Butt augmentation surgery brings an overall harmony in your lower section by refining hips, thigh region, waist and sides.

3.To attain a gorgeous figure with enhanced curves and contours

Individuals may opt for buttock augmentation that can beautifully accentuate the natural lines and shapes of their bodies. It can address flat or sagging buttocks, providing a lifted and more youthful appearance.

4. Boosted self-confidence

Many individuals seek buttock augmentation to improve their self-confidence and body image. A more proportionate and attractive buttock contour can enhance one’s overall self-esteem and satisfaction with their appearance.

The Best Candidate for this Procedure

It is important to consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon who specializes in buttock augmentation to determine candidacy and discuss individual goals and concerns.

Consultation with Doctor and Preparation for the Procedure

During their initial meeting together, it’s crucial for the plastic surgeon to evaluate not only any pre-existing medical conditions but also conduct a detailed physical examination while discussing potential objectives that could be sought from undertaking a buttock augmentation procedure. At this time, they should discuss various strategies including differentiation between fat transfers versus implants. As always needs mentioning however are potential risks associated with these procedures which may impact outcome.

Preparation for buttock augmentation may involve:

– Undergoing certain medical tests to ensure candidacy and assess overall health.

– Quitting smoking, as smoking can interfere with the healing process and increase the risk of complications.

– Adjusting medications or supplements that may interfere with the surgery or recovery process.

– Patients can make strides in mitigating bleeding risks during surgery by heeding the surgeon’s pre-operative instructions. These guidelines may include avoiding select medications and arranging for necessary care and support after the procedure.

Meeting with your doctor before undergoing any procedures provides valuable opportunities for discussion and information gathering. You can voice concerns, inquire about details and potential outcomes while developing an overall better understanding of what’s ahead.

What's Happening During the Procedure

The specifics of the buttock augmentation procedure will depend on the technique chosen, whether it’s a fat transfer or buttock implants.

1. During a fat transfer operation, a surgeon will commence by extracting body fat from donor sites on the patient’s body like their abdomen, flanks and thighs. This happens through efficient liposuction tactics that make sure enough body fat is harvested to be transferred later. The harvested fat is carefully processed and purified before being injected into the buttocks in multiple layers and depths to achieve the desired volume and contour.

2. Buttock implants: In cases where there is insufficient donor fat, buttock implants may be used. The surgeon will make incisions in discrete locations, such as the natural creases of the buttocks or the fold between the buttocks and thighs. The implants are then carefully placed in a pocket created within the gluteal muscles or under the fascia of the buttocks.

Throughout the procedure, the surgeon will prioritize achieving a symmetrical and natural-looking result, taking into account the patient’s unique body proportions and aesthetic goals.

After the Procedure and Recovery

After buttock augmentation, patients will be closely monitored in a recovery area before being released to go home the same day. Some key points about the recovery process include:

– Pain management: Medications will be prescribed to manage any discomfort or pain during the initial stages of recovery.

– Compression garments: Patients may be required to wear compression garments to support the buttocks, minimize swelling, and aid in the healing process.

– Rest and limited activity: Resting and avoiding strenuous activities for the first few weeks is crucial to allow the body to heal properly. Patients should avoid sitting or lying directly on their buttocks for an extended period and follow the surgeon’s guidelines for proper positioning and pressure distribution.

– Follow-up appointments: Several follow-up appointments will be scheduled to monitor progress, remove any sutures, and assess healing.

– Swelling and bruising: Swelling and bruising are common after buttock augmentation and will gradually subside over time. The final results will become more evident as the swelling resolves.

– Resuming normal activities: Patients can typically return to work and light activities within a couple of weeks, but strenuous exercise and activities that put pressure on the buttocks should be avoided for a longer period as advised by the surgeon.

Final Result

The final results of buttock augmentation will develop gradually as the swelling subsides and the body heals. Patients can expect a more prominent and shapely buttock contour that enhances their overall figure. The outcome will appear natural, with the buttocks looking and feeling like a natural part of the body.


Buttock augmentation is a sought after cosmetic procedure that provides individuals with fuller-looking buttocks while adding balance to body proportions. To determine the most suitable technique for achieving desired outcomes of enhanced size, shape, and proportionality; it is wise for patients to consult skilled plastic surgeons who take time in understanding personal goals and preferences by offering personalized recommendations using years of experience coupled with modern technology. By adhering strictly to post-operative care advice from experts ensures maximum benefits.


 Buttock augmentation procedures employing fat transfer methods are known for delivering long-term desirable effects. Nevertheless, natural phenomena such as aging or unforeseen elements including changes in weight or habitual tendencies may affect its lifetime sustainability. Thus prioritizing a steady body weight along with leading an active lifestyle governed by sound practices is crucial for preserving impactful results over an extended period.

 Buttock augmentation procedures employing fat transfer methods are known for delivering long-term desirable effects. Nevertheless, natural phenomena such as aging or unforeseen elements including changes in weight or habitual tendencies may affect its lifetime sustainability. Thus prioritizing a steady body weight along with leading an active lifestyle governed by sound practices is crucial for preserving impactful results over an extended period.

When performed by a skilled surgeon, buttock implants can provide a natural look and feel. The implants are selected based on individual body proportions and goals, and the placement is carefully done to create a natural contour.

As enticing as the appeal of buttock augmentation may be for many individuals who desire cosmetic enhancement of their derriere region . One should be fully aware that this procedure is not without its risks. These hazards include postoperative infection, acute bleeding during the surgery itself causing complications ranging from blood loss to organ failure). Undesirable scarring due to incisions breaking down at an alarming rate or developing inflammation that leads to deep tissue infections , asymmetry and unpredictable alterations in general sensation around the area worked on.

Yes, If comprehensive body shaping is desired, buttock augmentation can be performed alongside other procedures like liposuction, tummy tuck, or thigh lift.

In consideration of our readers’ needs it is essential to highlight that the information presented in this blog post should be viewed as educational material only. For optimal outcomes it is imperative to consult with professional plastic surgeons who can offer tailored and effective treatments based on personal requirements. This advice is essential before making any decisions regarding your health and well being.

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