Butt Filler Procedure in Abu Dhabi

Elyzee Hospital is one of the best medical centers in Abu Dhabi specializing in Butt Filler Procedure.

Buttock Augmentation

Butt Filler Procedure in Abu Dhabi at Elyzee Hospital

The Butt Filler procedure, also known as a Brazilian Butt Lift, has gained significant popularity in recent years as a cosmetic treatment aimed at enhancing the size and shape of the buttocks. This procedure involves the injection of dermal fillers or fat grafting to augment the buttocks, resulting in a more rounded and lifted appearance. In this blog post we will delve into the facets of the Butt Filler procedure covering its advantages, suitable candidates, the consultation process, the procedure, in detail, recovery, after the treatment, outcomes and wrap it up with a Q&A segment to address frequently asked questions and alleviate any concerns.

The Benefits of the Butt Filler Procedure

The Butt Filler procedure provides individuals with advantages when it comes to enhancing the size and shape of their buttocks. One of the benefits lies in the ability to achieve a buttock contour that’s both rounded and voluminous. This is accomplished through the administration of fillers or the transfer of fat from parts of the body. By increasing the volume, in the buttocks a balanced and aesthetically pleasing appearance can be achieved.

Another significant benefit is the improvement in buttock symmetry. Many individuals may have naturally uneven buttocks or have experienced volume loss due to aging, weight loss, or genetics. The Butt Filler procedure can help address these concerns by adding volume to specific areas, creating a more balanced and harmonious buttock profile.

Moreover this technique provides a surgical option, for enhancing the buttocks. Unlike methods like butt implants the Butt Filler procedure avoids the need for incisions reducing the appearance of scars and facilitating a speedier recovery. By utilizing fillers or fat grafting an authentic appearance can be achieved since the shape and curves of the buttocks can be tailored to match each person’s specific preferences.

The Best Candidate for the Butt Filler Procedure

The best candidates for the Butt Filler procedure are individuals who desire an enhancement in the size and shape of their buttocks. Ideal candidates may have naturally flat or sagging buttocks, asymmetry in buttock shape, or experience volume loss due to aging or weight loss. It is important for candidates to have realistic expectations about the outcomes of the procedure and understand that individual results may vary.

Candidates should also be in good overall health and have an adequate amount of fat in other areas of the body for fat grafting. Those considering the use of dermal fillers should be willing to undergo periodic maintenance treatments, as the effects of fillers are temporary and require touch-ups over time.

Consultation with a Doctor and Preparation for the Procedure

Before undergoing the Butt Filler procedure, it is essential to schedule a consultation with a qualified plastic surgeon or cosmetic dermatologist. During this consultation, the specialist will evaluate the individual’s buttock shape, volume, and specific concerns to determine if they are a suitable candidate for the procedure.

The consultation presents a chance to engage in a conversation regarding the available treatment options and provide the individual with comprehensive information about the procedure. This includes discussing risks and anticipated outcomes. Additionally the specialist will elucidate the procedures limitations. Attentively address any queries or apprehensions raised by the individual. They might also inquire about the individual’s background, current medications and prior experiences with procedures.

To better prepare for the Butt Filler procedure the specialist will offer customized instructions tailored to each person’s requirements. These guidelines may involve recommendations to refrain from medications or supplements that could heighten the likelihood of bruising. Additionally, maintaining a diet and engaging in exercise are advised to promote overall body well being. By adhering to these procedure guidelines individuals can improve their chances of attaining optimal outcomes and decrease the potential for complications.

What's Happening During the Procedure

The Butt Filler procedure can be performed using two primary techniques: dermal filler injections or fat grafting.

Dermal filler injections: In this technique, a dermal filler composed of hyaluronic acid or another suitable substance is injected into specific areas of the buttocks to add volume and shape. The specialist carefully administers the injections, sculpting and contouring the buttocks according to the individual’s desired outcome.

Fat grafting is a procedure that involves the transfer of fat, from parts of the body like the abdomen or thighs, to the buttocks. To begin with the expert will conduct liposuction to extract the fat cells. After purification these cells are injected into the buttocks to enhance their volume and shape. This method offers an enduring outcome as it utilizes the individual’s own fat.

During the procedure, the specialist will cleanse the treatment area and may apply a local anesthetic or use a numbing cream to minimize any discomfort. They will then administer the injections or perform the fat grafting technique, ensuring precise and balanced results. The time required for the procedure can vary, usually spanning an hour. However the duration may depend on factors such, as the complexity of the treatment and the unique requirements of each individual.

After the Procedure and Recovery

After the Butt Filler procedure, individuals may experience mild discomfort, swelling, and bruising in the treated area. The specialist will provide post-procedure instructions, which may include wearing compression garments, avoiding pressure on the buttocks, and following a specific post-operative care routine. Pain medication may be prescribed to manage any discomfort during the initial recovery period.

The recovery time for the Butt Filler procedure varies depending on the technique used and the individual’s healing capacity. It is essential to follow all post-procedure instructions provided by the specialist, including avoiding strenuous physical activity and sitting directly on the buttocks for a certain period. The specialist will provide guidelines on when it is safe to resume normal activities and exercise routines.

Final Result

The full effects of the Butt Filler procedure start to become noticeable once the swelling goes down and the body adapts to its shape. People can anticipate buttocks that appear rounded and lifted contributing to an overall body balance and an enhanced sense of self assurance. With grafting, in particular the results can be long lasting since the transferred fat cells integrate into the buttocks and retain a blood supply. Nevertheless it’s worth mentioning that individual outcomes can differ and additional treatments may be required to sustain the desired results.


The Butt Filler procedure presents individuals, with an approach to augment the size and contour of their buttocks resulting in a rounded and lifted aesthetic. With the use of dermal fillers or fat grafting techniques, the procedure can address concerns such as flatness, asymmetry, or volume loss in the buttocks. Through consultation with qualified specialists and adherence to post-procedure care, individuals can achieve their desired aesthetic goals and enjoy improved self-confidence.


The length of time required for outcomes can differ, contingent upon the method employed and an individual’s lifestyle aspects. Generally dermal fillers yield results spanning from around six months to two years contingent upon the filler utilized. On the other hand fat grafting has the potential to provide lasting effects since the transferred fat cells integrate as a lasting component of the buttocks. Nevertheless gradual fat resorption, over time may transpire, necessitating touch up treatments to sustain the desired outcome.

The length of time required for outcomes can differ, contingent upon the method employed and an individual’s lifestyle aspects. Generally dermal fillers yield results spanning from around six months to two years contingent upon the filler utilized. On the other hand fat grafting has the potential to provide lasting effects since the transferred fat cells integrate as a lasting component of the buttocks. Nevertheless gradual fat resorption, over time may transpire, necessitating touch up treatments to sustain the desired outcome.

Like any procedure the Butt Filler procedure carries some risks and possible side effects. These may include discomfort, swelling, bruising or slight asymmetry. In instances severe complications, like infection or fat embolism can occur. To ensure your safety and satisfaction it is crucial to seek guidance from a specialist and have a discussion about the potential risks and benefits of the procedure before finalizing your decision.

Certainly combining treatments with the Butt Filler procedure can be beneficial in achieving comprehensive results. One common approach is to coordinate liposuction alongside fat grafting, which allows for sculpting of the surrounding areas and enhancing the body contour. It is crucial to seek guidance from a specialist who can thoroughly evaluate your requirements and suggest the most suitable combination of procedures for you.

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