Breast Reduction in Abu Dhabi

Elyzee Hospital is one of the best medical centers in Abu Dhabi, specializing in Breast Reduction.

Breast Augmentation

Get Perfect breast with breast reduction in Abu Dhabi at Elyzee Hospital

Breast Reduction Surgery (mammaplasty) contributes towards enhancing overall quality of life by rectifying various concerns faced by women struggling with disproportionately large bosoms such as awkward posture imbalance when wearing clothes etc. More often than not women suffer from recurring problems related back ache including spinal cord indents because of the undue weight placed on their posterior parts – the procedure certainly eliminates such problems altogether. In addition, breast reduction surgery can help to boost a woman’s confidence, allowing her to feel more confident and self assured. As an overall endeavor, reduced volume and reshaped breasts only bring positive changes for many women giving them a more ‘proportionate look’ making clothes fit better and reducing any discomfort.

The Benefits of this Procedure

When dealing with the challenges associated with excessively large breasts many women opt for breast reduction surgery to achieve effective relief from physical pain and discomfort. In addition to these important considerations are the additional rewards of enhanced mobility during exercise or daily activities more substantial self esteem regarding their overall appearance.

1. Pain relief

For certain women having larger sized breasts can lead to discomfort showing up as chronic pain in areas such as the neck, shoulders and back. Breast reduction surgery can alleviate these symptoms by reducing the weight and strain on these area

2. Improved physical activity

Women with large breasts often find it difficult to engage in physical activities and exercise. Breast reduction can enhance mobility and allow individuals to participate in activities they may have previously avoided.

3.Enhanced body image

For women dealing with the challenge of having disproportionally large breasts. Negative feelings about their appearance can be discouraging. However, The good news is that breast reduction surgery exists as a viable solution for improving both body image and self confidence. This procedure has the potential to alleviate physical strain while also helping individuals feel more at ease in their own skin – truly a transformative change for those seeking greater comfort in everyday life.

4. Improved posture

 Large breasts can strain the muscles and contribute to poor posture. By reducing the breast size, breast reduction surgery can help improve overall posture and alignment.

Clothing options

Those individuals who have been gifted with a larger bust may find that finding suitable undergarments, swimwear and apparel in general can pose as a challenge due to the reduced selection available. Breast reduction can expand the range of clothing options, allowing individuals to wear styles that were previously inaccessible.

The Best Candidate for this Procedure

It is essential for individuals considering breast reduction to be in good overall health and to disclose any relevant medical history to their plastic surgeon during the consultation.

Consultation with Doctor and Preparation for the Procedure

Meeting with a skilled plastic surgeon well-versed in breast reduction procedures is paramount when considering such an undertaking. During an initial consultation session with the doctor , various aspects related to patient health history are observed as personal goals are communicated . A thorough assessment of both breasts follows shortly after enabling selection of tailored surgical techniques particularly effective toward singular anatomy of each patient.

Additionally, patients are encouraged to express any uncertainties they may have while receiving crucial pre-surgery directives for optimal results:

Prioritizing one’s health before and after surgical procedures can provide several benefits; avoiding specific medicines that increase bleeding risks like aspirin or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) is crucial. Quitting smoking may also come in handy for faster healing and better postoperative results. Furthermore individuals must commit themselves to necessary medical evaluations like blood tests or mammograms that help assess breast tone accurately and identify potential underlying health problems swiftly.

The esteemed surgeon will take the time to impart thorough pre-operative guidance to the patient, ensuring their optimal preparation and tranquility throughout.


What's Happening During the Procedure

Breast reduction surgery always utilizes general anesthesia. Ensuring that patients experience as little discomfort as possible throughout the procedure. By customizing an approach based on each patients’ unique preferences and objectives surgeons can optimize outcomes using any one of several strategies at their disposal, including:

Anchor incision: This technique involves making an incision around the areola, vertically down the breast, and horizontally along the breast crease. It allows for significant reshaping and reduction of breast tissue.

Vertical incision: This technique involves making an incision around the areola and vertically down the breast. It is suitable for patients with less severe breast ptosis (sagging) and allows for a shorter scar.

Liposuction-assisted breast reduction: In some cases, liposuction may be used to remove excess fat from the breasts. For those individuals with a prominent amount of fatty tissue within their breasts, this method has been documented as being particularly beneficial.

The medical professional will eliminate surplus breast tissues, fat deposits, and skin during surgery to obtain the desired contour of your choice. Moreover, repositioning of the nipple and areola could be executed for a more authentic display.

The remaining breast tissue is then reshaped and lifted to create a more youthful and proportionate contour. The incisions are carefully closed, and the patient is moved to a recovery area.


After the Procedure and Recovery

As a standard protocol after undergoing breast reduction surgery at our medical institution; we closely monitor each patient during their initial recovery period. It is typical for patients to experience some degree of tenderness, puffiness as well as discoloration; however such discomfort can easily be managed through effectively administered pain relieving medicine along with proper post operative care methodologies. Furthermore ; our surgeons have found that using either bandages or supportive bras enhance healing processes while helping reduce any residual inflammation experienced by the patient post operation.

Allowing the body to heal fully before engaging in more demanding activities or exercise is critical. Even if recovery times may vary for different patients. Typically. Resuming normal daily activities within a few weeks is recommended.

Final Result

Breast reduction surgery is an important choice for many women who experience various medical issues due to having oversized bosoms. One key benefit seen after recovery is a noticeable improvement in both physical health and self-confidence levels. With time, as inflammation diminishes alongside visible signs of incisions’ repair; patients witness a gradually sculptured chest bearing modestly-proportioned breasts presenting with smooth contours resulting in overall pleasing aesthetics complementing their body type accordingly.


For women facing the challenge of living with disproportionately large breasts. Breast reduction surgery can be an absolute game changer. Going beyond physical improvements that minimize pain or provide relief from discomfort – breast reduction offers an opportunity for patients to find joy in having an enhanced self image and increased confidence levels after recuperation. With this surgery women have a chance at receiving a balanced frame amidst newfound clothing choices brought on by their more proportionate body shape . Coupled with less strain on muscles from managing excessive breast weight – why wait for anything else? Its’ important to keep in mind that researching and selecting an experienced plastic surgeon is key when it comes to making decisions about undergoing breast reduction surgery.


Breastfeeding is vital for infant nutrition and bonding between mothers and babies; however certain medical procedures can negatively affect women’s milk production or delivery abilities. In cases where women undergo a breast reduction operation due to medical or personal reasons.

Breastfeeding is vital for infant nutrition and bonding between mothers and babies; however certain medical procedures can negatively affect women’s milk production or delivery abilities. In cases where women undergo a breast reduction operation due to medical or personal reasons.

Breast reduction surgery will result in scars, but the extent and visibility of the scars will vary depending on the surgical technique used and individual healing factors. The surgeon will make every effort to place incisions in discrete locations and provide guidance on scar management techniques to help minimize their visibility over time.

Yes, breast reduction surgery can be combined with other procedures if desired. Many patients opt to have breast lift surgery alongside breast reduction for enhanced breast appearance and placement.

Safe surgical practices demand that every procedure comes with risks and potential complications- breast reduction surgery inclusive. The likely side effects are infection, altered nipple sensation, scarring or asymmetry caused by anesthesia-related issues. To address this risk factor appropriately ahead of time; patients must discuss their medical history openly with their plastic surgeon and carefully adhere to the pre-operative and post-operative protocol given by the medical team.

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