Breast Augmentation in Abu Dhabi

Elyzee Hospital is one of the best medical centers in Abu Dhabi, specializing in Breast Augmentation.

Breast Augmentation

Breast Augmentation: Enhancing Your Curves with Confidence

Breast augmentation (also known as “augmentation mammoplasty”) consists of placing implants in order to enhance the appearance of a woman’s breasts by creating greater fullness that is proportional with her body shape. Frequently sought after by women interested in changing their physical appearance through cosmetic surgery; it can lead to improved confidence stemming from newfound body proportions that feel more balanced and aesthetically appealing overall.

The Benefits of this Procedure

Breast augmentation offers numerous benefits, both aesthetic and psychological, including:

1. Improving Feminine Curvatures

The Benefits of Increased Breast Volume with Breast Augmentation. Breast augmentation provides an excellent solution for women who desire fuller and shapelier breasts. Whether it’s due to natural asymmetry, age-related changes or pregnancy-induced sagging, this surgical procedure can increase breast size and volume to restore the feminine curves you desire. You’ll regain your confidence in no time.

2. Excellent breast form and symmetry

Breast augmentation offers an effective solution to achieving excellent breast form and symmetry. This procedure can significantly improve the shape and symmetry of your breasts while addressing any asymmetry or unevenness present in the existing breasts. The result is a pleasingly balanced aesthetic appearance.

A prevalent benefit derived from breast augmentation for women is the enhanced sense of confidence that comes with it. A jump in satisfaction surrounding ones breast appearance can not only even out any perceivable body image insecurities but also influence an overall rise in self esteem.

For those seeking to explore new fashion territory or express themselves through new styles breast augmentation can provide valuable support.

The Best Candidate for this Procedure

The ideal candidate for breast augmentation is someone who:

Is in good overall health: Good general health is essential to undergo any surgical procedure safely.

When contemplating breast augmentation surgery, one should keep in mind the importance of having realistic expectations about its outcomes. 

In addition to this crucial step for achieving success through the procedure; another important factor is selecting appropriate candidates for it: people who suffer from dissatisfaction with their current level of breast size as well as shape or volume represent ideal options here. 

Generally speaking – one must wait until their breasts have fully matured before proceeding with such operations by usually undergoing assessment sometime around age eighteen-twenty-one dependent upon unique personal contexts/country-specific regulations etc. 

Ultimately though what matters most in making your decision is feeling stable emotionally/mentally and empowered enough so you can confidently move forward towards improving your life!

Consultation with Doctor and Preparation for the Procedure

During the initial consultation, the plastic surgeon will evaluate the patient’s breasts, discuss their desired outcomes, and determine their candidacy for the procedure. They will review the medical history, conduct a physical examination, and may request imaging tests to assess breast tissue and structure. The surgeon will also discuss different implant options, including size, shape, and material, and help the patient make an informed decision.

Preparation for breast augmentation may involve ceasing certain medications or supplements that can increase the risk of bleeding, quitting smoking if applicable, and following any specific pre-operative instructions provided by the surgeon.

What's Happening During the Procedure

Breast augmentation is typically performed under general anesthesia and involves the following steps:

1. Patients undergoing a breast augmentation procedure should anticipate that their surgeon will put careful thought into where they place incisions for optimal outcomes. Factors such as implant selection and anatomical structure directly inform this decision-making process. Known options include creating an opening under the woman’s natural skin fold below her breasts or making a cut near her areolas’ edges or within her armpits.

2. A critical step during breast augmentation is creating space for the selected implant. To achieve this successfully. Your surgeon will create a meticulously crafted pocket either above or below your pectoral muscle. This tailored approach helps achieve natural looking results that harmonize with your unique anatomy. The choice of implant placement will depend on factors such as the patient’s anatomy and desired outcomes.

3. Implant insertion: The surgeon will carefully insert the breast implant into the pocket, ensuring proper positioning and symmetry. Saline or silicone implants may be used, depending on the patient’s preference and the surgeon’s recommendation.

4. Incision closure: The incisions are meticulously closed using sutures or surgical adhesive to ensure proper healing and minimal scarring.

After the Procedure and Recovery

As far as recovery goes some levels of swelling, bruising and pain are normal occurrences. Over time though these symptoms gradually subside on their own. Typically patients are able to resume normal activities within a short few weeks.

Final Result

The final results of breast augmentation become more apparent as the breasts heal and settle into their new shape and position. The breasts will have increased volume, improved shape, and enhanced symmetry. Enhancing a persons figure can significantly enhance their self esteem and overall contentment with their physical appearance. This procedure aims to create a more harmonious and symmetrical body shape. Resulting in a more proportionate and well balanced figure that patients can enjoy.


For many women struggling with low confidence and body image issues due to small or asymmetrical breasts. Breast augmentation can prove immensely beneficial. By improving breast size, shape, and volume this procedure helps women achieve improved aesthetics whilst boosting self confidence levels significantly. Additionally. Enhanced clothing options are another benefit. By consulting with a skilled plastic surgeon and carefully preparing for the procedure, individuals can achieve their desired breast appearance and enjoy long-lasting results.


Breast augmentation is a surgical procedure that can produce lasting effects, yet it is fundamental to recognize that breast implants are not deemed as sustained widgets. With time, the implants may require substitution or elimination due to genuine aging, variations in the breast tissues, or individual inclinations.

Breast augmentation is a surgical procedure that can produce lasting effects, yet it is fundamental to recognize that breast implants are not deemed as sustained widgets. With time, the implants may require substitution or elimination due to genuine aging, variations in the breast tissues, or individual inclinations.

Breast implants generally do not interfere with breastfeeding. However, it is important to discuss your plans for future breastfeeding with your surgeon during the consultation to ensure appropriate implant placement.

Regulatory authorities such as the FDA have deemed breast implants safe for use. Yet there are still potential complications and risks associated with this type of surgery. Choosing a skilled and knowledgeable plastic surgeon is critical in minimizing these risks.

It’s’ vital to remember that when it comes to treating significant drooping of breasts. A standalone breast augmentation may not be adequate or effective. To tackle this issue comprehensively. One should opt for a combined approach incorporating both mastopexy (breast lift) and saline or silicone implant placement for maximum improvement in contours and volume.

For those considering breast augmentation its essential to understand that although some enhancements may be apparent right away after surgery this is not the case for complete healing and settling into their ultimate shape. Usually patients can expect final results through noticeable changes occurring in a few months after undergoing a successful procedure.

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