Arm Lift in Abu Dhabi

Elyzee Hospital is one of the best medical centers in Abu Dhabi, specializing in Arm Lift.

Arm Lift

The Best Arm Lift treatment in Abu Dhabi - Elyzee Hospital

An arm lift, also don’t let sagging skin or unwanted fat dampen your confidence levels when it comes down for you to show off those beautiful upper arms! An arm lift procedure might be just what you’re looking for! Known officially as tracheoplasty – it’s intended to contour and reshape your arms while optimizing body proportions too. The goal here is plain & simple – smoother-looking arms that make you feel like an absolute boss. Dive right into our detailed blog post where we discuss everything about this technique such as related benefits, who’d be an ideal candidate for it, how consultations usually work, the actual surgery process, detailed recovery strategies after surgery alongside positive end results. For your peace of mind, we answered many frequently asked questions too!

The Benefits of this Procedure

The arm lift procedure offers numerous benefits to individuals who are unhappy with the appearance of their upper arms. Some of the key advantages of this procedure include:

1. Tightening and contouring

Achieving a firmer and more refined arm shape is possible through an arm lift surgery, which removes the excess skin and fat in your upper arms.

2. Improved arm symmetry Enhanced self-confidence

By achieving slimmer and more toned arms, individuals can experience a boost in self-esteem and feel more comfortable wearing sleeveless or fitted clothing.

3.Improved arm symmetry

The procedure can address any asymmetry or imbalance between the left and right arms, creating a more harmonious appearance.

4. Better arm functionality

Excess skin and fat in the upper arms can sometimes restrict movement and cause discomfort. An arm lift can improve arm functionality, allowing individuals to engage in physical activities with greater ease.

The Best Candidate for this Procedure

It’s pertinent to recognize that an arm lift isn’t designed to serve as a means for shedding pounds. Its optimal results can be obtained by people who have already attained their weight-loss objectives and aim to tackle the superfluous skin and fat existing in the upper arm zone.

Consultation with Doctor and Preparation for the Procedure

The first appointment involving an arm lift procedure is a crucial chance for patients to discuss their specific goals or uncertainties surrounding their arms’ appearance with a skilled plastic surgeon. During this consultation period ,the surgeon thoroughly evaluates the individual’s unique situation prior to offering tailored recommendations centered on achieving those goals safely and effectively. Through open dialogue around what this surgery entails including its risks and benefits before proceeding with treatment patients feel informed which contributes to making them more confident going into surgery.

The surgeon will provide detailed pre-operative instructions to help the patient prepare both physically and mentally for the arm lift procedure.

What's Happening During the Arm Lift Procedure

An arm lift typically involves the following steps:

1. Anesthesia: The surgeon will administer either general anesthesia or intravenous sedation to ensure the patient’s comfort throughout the procedure.

2. Incision placement: Incision patterns may vary depending on the amount of excess skin and fat to be removed. The surgeon will strategically place the incisions on the inner or back of the arms to minimize visible scarring.

3. Excess skin and fat removal: Through the incisions, the surgeon will remove the excess skin and fat using surgical techniques such as liposuction and excision.

4. Muscle tightening: If necessary, the underlying supportive tissues of the arms may be tightened to enhance the overall contour.

5. Incision closure: The incisions will be meticulously closed with sutures or surgical adhesives, and the surgeon may apply dressings or bandages to protect the incision sites.

The duration of the arm lift procedure varies depending on the complexity of the case, but it typically takes around 1 to 3 hours to complete.

After the Procedure and Recovery

After the arm lift procedure, the patient will be monitored in a recovery area before being released to go home. A significant consideration in ensuring successful post procedure recovery is having an accountable adult accompany and assist patients during their initial stage. It is essential that arrangements are made beforehand for transportation as well as support to guarantee patients’ comfort and security while ensuring timely healing.

As one proceeds through the healing period, swelling, bruising and mild discomfort might be experienced quite frequently. The surgeon may prescribe pain medication and provide detailed post-operative instructions to manage these symptoms. The careful adherence to these instructions is an imperative step towards promoting a successful healing process while minimizing any potential complications.

The patient will likely need to wear compression garments on the arms to reduce swelling and provide support. It’s important to avoid strenuous activities, heavy lifting, and excessive arm movements during the initial weeks of recovery. The surgeon will provide guidelines on gradually reintroducing physical activities and when it is safe to return to work or resume regular daily routines.

Final Result

Over time, as the swelling subsides and the incisions heal, the final results of the arm lift procedure will become more apparent. 

It is crucial to acknowledge that obtaining the desired outcome of the treatment may take a good few months due to our bodies’ ongoing healing process and adaptation. Scars will gradually fade over time, but it’s essential to protect the incision sites from excessive sun exposure and follow the surgeon’s scar care instructions.


An arm lift procedure offers a solution for individuals seeking to address excess skin and fat in the upper arm area. By tightening and contouring the arms, this surgical procedure can enhance body proportions and restore self-confidence. It is essential for potential candidates to consult with a qualified plastic surgeon to determine their eligibility and discuss the expected outcomes. With careful preparation, skilled surgical techniques, and proper post-operative care, an arm lift can provide long-lasting results and improve overall arm aesthetics.


During an arm lift operation. Anesthesia is provided so as not to cause any pain or inconvenience for patients. Although minor levels of discomfort and soreness are expected while recovering over the initial few days following surgery. The surgeon will prescribe pain medication to manage any discomfort.

During an arm lift operation. Anesthesia is provided so as not to cause any pain or inconvenience for patients. Although minor levels of discomfort and soreness are expected while recovering over the initial few days following surgery. The surgeon will prescribe pain medication to manage any discomfort.

While it is inevitable to have some scarring after an arm lift, a skilled plastic surgeon will strategically place incisions in discreet locations to minimize their visibility. With the passage of time scars are likely to diminish and their visibility decreases steadily.

Surgical recovery experiences following an arm lift operation are highly variable based on individual factors and extent of procedure complexity. Light activity may resume as early as one week following intervention with gradual progression over subsequent weeks back towards normal activity levels possible for many patients.

According to scientific findings. Optimizing postoperative care while focusing on maintaining a balanced weight can prolong the benefits of undergoing an arm lift procedure considerably. However, One should be aware that individual factors like age and personal habits may have varying impacts on the duration of these benefits in each patients’ case. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and weight can help prolong the aesthetic improvements achieved through an arm lift.

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